Property Address:
Property Owner: Best Contact Phone #:
Property Type (House; Condo; Duplex): Bedrooms: Baths:
Square Footage: Age: Location (Blossom Valley, Crest, etc.):
Anticipated Monthly Rent Amount: $ Lease Term You Prefer (6 months, 1 year):
Will You Allow Pets if Tenant Pays an Additional Deposit (Y/N): Additional Deposit Amount $300.00 each
Pet Restrictions (i.e. weight limit, no more then 2):
Property Currently Occupied By (Owner or Tenants)? Date Occupants are vacating:
Can We Enter if Occupant is Not Home (Y/N): Showing Instructions: _
If Rental Tenant Occupied, Tenant Name: Phone #:
If Rental Tenant Occupied, Rent $: Deposit $: Held by Owner (Y/N):
Current Management Company: Phone #:
(If you currently have management with another company, please contact them to give proper notice of cancellation).
Stories: Elevator: Bedrooms Up: Bedrooms Down: Family Room:
Refrigerator: Dishwasher: Microwave: Stove (gas or electric):
Washer/Dryer: _ W/D Hookups: Gas or Electric.: Fireplace (gas or electric):
Heat Type: _ A/C Type: Carpet/Flooring: Window Treatments:
Cable Ready: _ Gardner: _ Sprinklers: Yard: View:
Pool (Common or Owner’s): Spa (Common or Owner’s): Pool/Spa Service:
Fitness: Garage(s): Auto or Manual: Covered Parking: _ Guest Parking:
Additional Facilities: Restrictions: _______________________________
(Please supply Parker Properties with copies of any appliance/equipment waranty, etc)
Location of Water & Gas main turn offs:
New Mailing Address *: _
New Home Phone #: Cell Phone #:
Owner’s monthly disbursement check will be deposited directly to your checking or savings account so please give us a voided check to set you up in our system. IMPORTANT NOTE: Rents are due on the 1st of the month with a 3-day grace period. Payment to Owner, is made around the 20th of each month. If tenant’s check is dishonored you will have to reimburse our account.
Emergency Contact: Emergency Contact Phone #:
Can the Emergency Contact make decisions for you? (Check One) Yes ________No_________
Insurance Company: Policy #:
Insurance Agent: Phone #:
Please provide copy of Insurance Certificates with Parker Properties listed as an additional insured.
Home Warranty Company: Policy #:
Home Warranty Company Phone #:
HOA Management Company: Phone #:
Please provide Parker Properties with a copy of the Rules & Regulations & CC&R's for your HOA. This will be an addendum to the tenant lease.
Mail Box #: Parking Space #: Will tenant need parking sticker?
Please note how many of the following items you will be turning over to Parker Properties upon your move out:
Water/Sewer Company (Expense paid by Tenant): Phone #:
Trash Company (Expense paid by Tenant): Phone #:
Cable Company (Expense paid by Tenant): Phone #:
Alarm Company (Expense paid by Tenant): Phone #:
Alarm Keypad Code: Password:
Please provide Parker Properties with a copy of the Alarm Instructions. This will be given to the new tenants.
Tenant will be responsible for getting all utilities transferred in their name upon move in.
Paint Brand: Colors:
Gardener ____________________________ Phone # Monthly payment $
Pool Service __________________________Phone # Monthly payment $
For all out of state rental property owners, you must pay your quarterly Franchise Tax Board taxes on the rental income you receive, unless you apply for and are approved for a waiver. Please complete the FTB Form 588 as soon as possible.
Owner’s Signature & Date: